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​The food that we provide for the dogs at these events are 100% safe and healthy. The food we serve can be consumed both by owner and pet. We offer choices of vegan, vegetarian, or meat dishes. Following is a list of food we offer for your special occasions: 



 Party size • Large • Medium • Small • Individual (Cupcake)

Shapes: Bone • Dog’s Face • Paw • Traditional • Square • Custom (You name it, we’ll bake it for you!)

 Flavors: Carob • Peanut Butter • Yogurt • Fruits (Seedless pears, apples, strawberries, cantaloupes, watermelon, bananas) • Pumpkin • Oats

 Meat: meatloaf (long or short size) – ground beef, lamb, chicken or turkey, vegan, sauce/sauce-less, with or without hard-boiled egg inside



 Biscuits (carob or peanut butter or yogurt dipped)

 Cookies (carob or peanut butter or yogurt dipped)

 Cupcakes (carob or peanut butter or with yogurt frosting)

 Option: wrapped or unwrapped, may be placed in goodie bags.

 * We ensure that all cakes and treats are natural, sugar-free and salt less, without artificial preservatives or colorings!



 * All the following dishes are safe for human consumption! May be served in cups, bowls, or on plates.



 Fruit salad with cottage cheese 

 Apple slices with peanut butter

 Popcorn – unsalted, without butter (salt and butter optional for humans only)


Main Courses

 Shish-kebab – roasted beef/lamb chunks, sweet potatoes and baby carrots

 Broiled chicken with brown rice

 Salmon with green beans

 Steak with sweet potatoes (cut into slices for dogs, without bones)

 Grilled baby back ribs with spinach (bbq sauce optional for humans only)

 Roast beef with baby carrots and green beans

 Pasta with peas and baby carrots

 Spinach Omelet



 Apple pie – unsweetened, on oats crust

 Apple crumble – unsweetened, mixed with oats 

 Peanut Butter & Oatmeal Cookies

 Yogurt Ice Cream (sugarless)



 Mineral water, bottled water, fruit juice, tea and coffee


BYOB or other refreshments subject to approval.


If you have an idea of a recipe you’d like to provide us with for your dog, you’re more than welcome to share it with us! If you don’t know what you want to order or you would like to substitute for something, please see the list of acceptable food for dogs and we’ll bake it for you! Please also see the list of banned food in order to know what’s good and what’s harmful for your dog.



 MEAT – ground beef, steak, chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, lamb

VEGETABLES – green beans, zucchini, spinach, sweet potatoes, celery sticks

FRUITS – apples, pears (without core), strawberries, cantaloupes, watermelon (without seeds), bananas, pumpkin

OTHER FOOD ITEMS: peanuts, peanut butter, oats, pretzels (saltless), flax seed, pasta, eggs (cooked)

DAIRY: yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese




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© 2023 by The Bark'tisserie Pet Sitters & Pet Bakery

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